Dokumentarfilm über die deutsche Filmlandschaft zwischen 1933 und 1945: Während der Nazizeit wurden in Deutschland rund 1000 Spielfilme hergestellt. Wenngleich es sich nur bei sehr wenigen davon um ...
Am 9. Oktober 2013 war Helge Schneider mit seinem Film "00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter" im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums zu Gast und stellte in der Frühvorstellung seine Filmauswahl der Carte ...
Dokudrama über den Krefelder Künstler Albert Oehlen, Jahrgang 1954, der zu den "Neuen Wilden" der deutschen Kunstszene gehört. Er ist Objekt- und Installationskünstler, vor allem aber einer der be...
In seinem Dokumentarfilm begibt sich der Regisseur Mahmoud al-Massad auf den Weg in seine Geburtsstadt Sarka in Jordanien, die gleichzeitig die Heimatstadt des 2005 von den US-Truppen getöteten iraki...
Giuseppe Garibaldi è in America, compiendo fatti d'arme gloriosi, allorchè incontra in una fazenda Anita Ribeira e la fa sua sposa. Pervenute nel 1848 notizie dall'Italia della guerra imminent...
Comedy about soldier Tontolini who keeps his money in the sheath of his sword. When he wants to pay, and therefore pulls his sword, the police is called. Subsequently the misunderstanding is cleared u...
Drama in which Hélène, the owner of a large company, looses her memory and is taken in a working class family. She starts to work in her own factory, to find out that her employees are working under...
Young Alexander Snobman is the son of the town's richest sausage maker, and the neighbour of Philip Helt, an up-and-coming engineer. Both of the young gentlemen are captivated by the dancer Eva Sommer...
Il film è costruito su un'esigenza di attualità legata alla situazione bellica, visto che l'Italia era entrata in guerra contro l'Austria nel maggio del 1915. Alla fine della cerimonia di matr...
Questo film di produzione britannica ci mostra Re Giorgio V, accompagnato dal figlio (il Principe Alberto, futuro Giorgio VI) in un giro di ispezioni su alcune navi da guerra in una località no...
The film shows a journey in Troms in Northern Norway, from Sjøvegan by the sea to waterfall and salmon ladder in Malangen.
Fridtjof Nansen was the leader of The League of Nations' repatriation work for prisoners of war after World War I. This film shows a LN meeting in Geneva, probably in 1920, and soldiers on their way ...
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Scheidungsgrund: Liebe".
Notice regarding electricity allotment.
Synopsis of "Die Spur führt nach Berlin".
Synopsis of "Die Spur führt nach Berlin".
Invitation to the premiere of "Lange Beine - lange Finger" on 26 August 1966 in Berlin.
Synopsis of "Die Spur führt nach Berlin".
Set design excerpt for "Scotland Yard jagt Dr. Mabuse".