The American FriendJonathan is a craftsman living with his family in the city of Hamburg where he has a small workshop for his painting. One day a Frenchmen appears on the scene, making him an incredi...
Fortsetzung der gleichnamigen TV-Serie aus den frühen 2000er-Jahren. Lolles Hochzeit mit Hart nimmt eine mehr als ungeahnte Wendung, als ihr Ex-Freund Sven in die Feierlichkeiten hineinplatzt und sel...
Naturdokumentation, gefilmt in deutschen Wäldern, Wiesen und Gebirgen. Vielfältig setzt Regisseur Jan Haft die hiesige Wildnis in Szene und verwendet dafür auch Stilmittel wie Zeitraffer und Ultra-...
Fortsetzung von "Timebreakers - Auf der Suche nach dem geheimnisvollen Heidekristall" aus dem Jahr 2016: Die magischen Schwestern Emma und Mathilda sind nach den Geschehnissen des ersten Teils zurück...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum in Zusammenarbeit mit epd film einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 15. September...
The film is part of the election campaign for The Norwegian Labour Party in 1930 and argues against the militarism of the Conservative Party. Scenes from World War I illustrates the horrors of the war...
Various clips from Oslo 1912-14. The opening of the 100th Anniversary Exhibition, May 15, 1914, with people waiting to get in. Market stalls and trade in Oslo city centre. The departure of one of The ...
Two events in the city of Kristiansand around 1918: A rich Norwegian emigrant returns from America, and a memorial for sailors killed in World War I is unveiled.
Bidoni, attendente del colonnello X..., è un soldato molto distratto; questo difetto gli procura molte sgridate, ma è un giovane di cuore e perciò amato da tutti, specialmente dalla piccola M...
Il castello dello Spielberg da una collina domina la città di Brno, nella Repubblica Ceca. Sorto settecento anni fa come sede del Margravio di Moravia, divenne poi fortezza, prigione inespugnab...
L’atrocità della prima guerra mondiale ricostruita prevalentemente tramite fotografie d’epoca: regnanti, truppe in partenza, generali, campi di battaglia, trincee, donne che lavorano nei ca...
Baldevin and Simen become friends while at sea, only to go their separate ways. Many years later, Simen is married to a wealthy widow. When Baldevin arrives in town, Simen seeks to ensure his friend's...
L'architettura di Vienna, con edifici costruiti secondo gli stili più diversi, testimonia il passato glorioso di questa città un tempo capitale di un impero. Lungo la Ringstrasse, l'anello str...
Daily production report No. 34, 09 June 1964 on the shooting of "Die Todesstrahlen des Dr. Mabuse".
English dialogue list (excerpt) for "The Strangler of Blackmoor Castle".
Daily call sheet for 30 January 1989 for the shooting of "Der Rosengarten".
Daily call sheet for 02 March 1989 for the shooting of "Der Rosengarten".
Memo by Artur Brauner on the editing of "Der Rosengarten".
Script coverage on "Die Frühreifen" by Wolfgang Steinhardt.
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "Du bist Musik".
French dialogue list (excerpt) for "Der Würger von Schloß Blackmoor".