A biographical film depicting a life of K. H. Frank. Frank's childhood is presented through a set of personal documents and photos. His alliance with Hitler is emphasised. Documents manifesting his cr...
The film offers a look into the history of the castle in Jindřichův Hradec, in the end it shows several shots from the post-war city. It argues that the demise of the aristocracy is followed by "rap...
An observation and a celebration of a rise of a steel factory (ČKD Libeň) from the war ruins. The film includes highly aesthetically approached scenes of ruin depiction. It narrates a story of a col...
An insight into a social life taking place in public cafeterias told from a perspective of a journalist-director. It presents the venue of public cafeteria in contrast to a luxurious restaurant. It de...
An educative film depicting the issue of the improvement of health conditions in factories. It displays factory workers as hard working men who are now living in public housing projects close to facto...
A depiction of the process of recultivation of a border region thanks to a great help of the Czechoslovak youth organisation. The introductory scenes exposes war ruins, which are verbally discussed. T...
Playful promotional film with elements of melodramatic reenactment shows the spa town of Karlovy Vary and its facilities for treatment of heart diseases.
An excursion into the periodical permanent exhibitions put on display in the Czech National Museum in Prague told through a story of flirting young couple. The film follows the history chronologically...
explorer Josef Kořenský
a chambermaid cleaning the room
guests in the open-air restaurant
joint owner of the distribution company "Svetofilm" Ada Brandstetter and her daughter
joint owner of the distribution company "Svetofilm" Ada Brandstetter and her daughter
joint owner of the distribution company "Svetofilm" Ada Brandstetter
a view of the town of České Budějovice
a part of the assembly line for production of pencils
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Láska zákon přírody". The film was completely interdicted. The censorship permission was issued for Lux Film, Praha (exam. No. 799/32) ...
The film "Bronenosez Potemkin" was permitted only for adults.