A depiction of the early postwar life in the city of Budapest. The introduction includes many scenes of war ruins in the city centre. It specifically focuses on reconstruction of bridges. It contains ...
A propagandistic piece on a re-populating of the border region of Šumava. It emphasises many job opportunities (e.g. work in factory, forestry, collective unions or Solo Sušice) and idealises the co...
Documentary film about the reconstruction of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. It presents the history of the Bethlehem Chapel from 1391 through the Josephine period, when the chapel turned into a wareh...
A film gives a tour through a history and a cultural heritage of the town of Telč. It praises its historical architecture, namely the middle-age and Renaissance epochs. It frequently employs travelli...
Recruitment in construction and for work in reopened brickyards after the war is presented through a contrast of scenes with lazy workers and those who are aware of the benefits of the work for their ...
A documentary about youth brigades that are being offered for the reconstruction of Lidice. The film recalls the tragedy of Lidice and describes the work of international youth in the construction of ...
A film depicting an organisation of the 11th edition of a sport reunion of the Sokol (sport) community taking place in 1948 in Prague right after the communist putsch. The Sokol organisation was very ...
A film depicts a national aid campaign supporting a development of Slovakia as a rural and more traditionally oriented part of Czechoslovakia. It puts into contrast an industrial Czech land and a folk...
A scene of street fights.
Only preserved fragments from the film are available.
Armed villagers kidnap Ruth (actress: Nataša Cyganková) - the daughter of the Jewis inn-keeper (actor: Alexander Šuvalov).
Ondráková (actress) on a coat and scarf, Pelíšek (actor) on a pullover. There is a slogan on the wall: "Only for ladies".
From the left: housemaid, chief butler (actor: Luigi Hofman), old houseman Jan (actor: Josef Šváb-Malostranský) and Dagmar - the wife of the landowner Dražický (actress: Anny Ondráková)
Olga Augustová (actress) as "The Lady with the Small Foot" and Gustav Machatý (actor) as "Detective Tom Machata".
Dagmar (actress: Anny Ondráková) and Ješek (actor: Karel Lamač) - "arrival from the darkness"- the ancestor of the landowner Dražický watch themselves.
The elderly Mr Máček likes young women and girls and he always takes the opportunity to try to make their acquaintance. He is only sorry he is not younger. When he discovers the existence of an elix...
Zentralstelle für das Bildungswessen der deutschen sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterpartei in der tschechoslowakischen Republik, Praha applies for censoring of the film „Účetní Kremke“. ...
Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested qualifying the film "Země nikoho" for public screening - ban for young people.