Dokumentarfilm über Menschen, die sich im Namen der Schönheit operativ behandeln ließen oder aber selbst plastische Operationen durchführen. Ohne eine wertende Perspektive einzunehmen geht die Fil...
Comedy in so-called "Reality"-fashion: Lead actor Christian Ulmen slips into the role of 18-year old pupil Jonas, who has failed his classes several times. The allegedly hopeless case gets a last chan...
Auf den ersten Blick führt die junge Aleksandra in Ljubljana das Leben einer Musterstudentin. Sie ist zielstrebig und fleißig, ihre Noten sind gut, ihr arbeitsloser Vater kann stolz auf sie sein. Ni...
Laut, wild und schnell galoppieren die Pferde über die Ebenen mongolischer Landschaften… - Bereits als kleiner Junge beginnt Otgo (Otgonbayar Ershuu) zu malen. Sein häufigstes Motiv sind Pferd...
Am 22. Juli 2015 war der Regisseur Dr. Otto Schweitzer mit seinem Film "Ernst May: Eine Revolution des Großstädters" im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums zu Gast. Nach der Filmvorführung sprach Schwei...
Family pilgrimage to Lourdes. Climb by cable car, then panorama over the valley and portrait of the family.
The Glasgow Catholic Scouters' Guild Triennial Pilgrimage to Lourdes 1961. General views of the long journey, the boys helping at Mass, the Stations of the Cross, and Procession of the Blessed Sacram...
Celebration in Celtic Park, Glasgow, to mark the centenary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Christine is quadriplegic and bound to a wheelchair. Searching for a cure, but also looking for a way out of her deeply felt isolation, she takes a pilgrimage to Lourdes, fuelled by her overwhelming w...
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Szene aus "Losers and Winners"
"Rivers and Tides" (1998-2001)
Maggie Peren, Ken Duken (v.l.n.r.)
The processes involved in the manufacturing of wire rope at Brunton's Wire and Rope Works, Musselburgh.
An advert for Guthrie's mutton showing that only the best sheep are selected.
The city of Glasgow in the 1940s - its buildings, parks, museum, university and housing, showing the plans for major re-development of the city. Relates to issues proposed in the Bruce Report 1945 - a...
From sheep shearing in Australia to wool being spun and woven into cloth in Scottish tweed mills.
Plans for building new housing in Glasgow and encouraging skilled tradesmen to return to working at their old trades on building sites.
Bird life on St. Kilda, including shots of islanders snaring young fulmars, the St. Kildans' staple food.
Broxburn Gala Day and crowning of the Queen, 26th June 1954. Includes footage of the procession, children's fancy dress competition and the Gala Queen crowning ceremony.
Procession of the Gala Queen and "The Champion" through the streets of Kirkliston, West Lothian. 3rd July 1954.