Short comedy about two neighbour children from different social environments, Fritz en Mädi, during the First World War. They are bragging about their fathers who are returning from the war, and play...
Short film in which Barbara's father is killed during a raid of the Vandals. When Barbara and the other women are threatened, she throws a box with explosives to the attackers, which causes their deat...
Documentary in two parts about Amsterdam's ports Documentary about the activities in Amsterdam's ports. We see images of shipbuilding, of the shipping traffic on the IJ and the Amstel, and the transfe...
International newsreel. Most of the content is news about the war, and especially about the serbs. We also see American nurses on their way to the front. There are also some sportscasts.
"USA Excursion Steamer Disaster" (208-2) "Rescuers working on the «Eastland» which capsized in the Chicago River", with the loss of over one thousand lives."Training mules for the Army" (208-2) "Mr ...
An officer, possibly Major-General H B de Lisle, presenting medals to a kilted battalion, who then march past. A pan over a group from the battalion sitting and smoking. They are possibly the Canadian...
Documentario dedicato al poeta e scrittore Aldo Palazzeschi. Una voce fuori campo recita alcune poesie di Palazzeschi mentre alcuni mimi si muovono su un palco. Attraverso foto d'epoca (tra cui ...
The ceremony takes place in a field, with men of Plumer's staff watching as he pins medals for bravery onto women officers of the Queen Alexandra's First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and the Voluntary Aid Det...
Filmplakat 02
Szene aus "Felidae"
"Aggregat" (2018)
Rudi Schuricke bei den Dreharbeiten
John Taylor (PlasticsEurope) erklärt die Vorzüge von Plastik
"z.B. Otto Spalt" (1987)
"Die Tarantel" (1919)
Szene mit Reinhold Schünzel (im weißen Mantel)
"The Danube is the starting point of any military operation, no matter in what direction this is being executed; it is an excellent line of defence, suitable to confront any kind of attack, wherever i...
1. 8000 danske arbejdere er fra Tyskland ankommet på juleorlov, stemningen er høj i togene og ved færgen. 2. Fodboldspillernes julestævne i Københavns Idrætspark sætter rekord med 11.000 tilsku...
300 er den drabelige genfortælling af Slaget ved Thermopylæ, hvor Kong Leonidas og hans 300 tapre spartanere sloges mod den persiske Kong Xerxes og hans enorme hær. Spartanerne stod overfor en umul...
Ein Kinderdrama (Kostüm) mit
1. Begrafenis van Staf De Clercq. / 2. Zwemwedstrijd in de haven van Barcelona. / 3. Katoenoogst in Afrika. / 4. De vislederproductie in Estland. / 5. Winterkapsels en winterhoeden. / 6. "De Ramblers"...
In a courtroom. The young man with a top hat on his hand is Toník Jedlička (actor: Miloš Vávra) - a lover of Rozárka (actress: Božena Plecitá). Valenta (actor: Vojtěch Záhořík) holds the sh...
Finnland, kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Als der junge Touko Laaksonen von der Front nach Hause zurückkehrt, scheint für ihn eine neue Art von Krieg zu beginnen – denn Touko ist schwul. Das aber...
Micko Laurente (actor Eddie Boy), Aljon Ybanez (actor Alvin), Mercedes Cabral (actress Celia), Celia, Alvin (in the back, from left to right), Lou Veloso (actor Sergio), Mang Sergio, Eddie Boy (front,...