This is the true story of a couple – fighters of the left, played by Dimitris Kataleifos and Themis Bazaka in the cinema. The story begins in 1954 when they met, and goes on through the hard years o...
Traveling through Greece, an American author meets a wild Greek prostitute and is charmed by her personality. He tries to educate and “civilize” her, but in the end, she is the one who gives him t...
This is an adaptation of a theatrical play by Sakellariou - Giannakopoulou. After the return of his son (Giorgos, who studied in Sweden), Antonis Delistavrou, widower for years but still hale and hear...
The movie is about dictatorships in Greece – first, the Metaxas regime (1936-1940), and then the Colonels’ Junta (1967-74). In Part One, the Metaxas regime is depicted as a circus, where Thanasis ...
Wandering around Athens by night. A grandiose parade of singers, composers, orchestras, shows and, in general, artists of night playing themselves, in a series of entertaining acts written by major hu...
The Cypriot orphan dress-maker’s assistant Nina lives in Athens, in a housing complex of Mrs. Froso. She falls in love with Lakis, a university student from Macedonia, but he is drafted and leaves f...
The descent into the world of the night in the vastness of Athens of a young man who comes from the countryside and works as a delivery boy at a declining pizzeria.
Blinded by his jealousy, a photographer decides to organize a plot in order to break up the relationship between a pilot and a model, an old flame of his.