A rich but spoilt young woman named Mary (Aliki Vougiouklaki) bets with her father (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) that she can “catch” a distinguished sculptor named Thanos Sotiriou (Alekos Alexandra...
Rena Pantelia is a compulsively jealous woman who makes life hard for her husband Argyris. He now risks ruining his health and losing his job. She has a very vivid imagination and thinks that her husb...
Andreas (Nikos Fermas) is an animal merchant, who, despite having made a fortune from his work, continues to be humble and kind to the world around him. However, his wife (Marika Nezer) behaves self i...
Kleopas (Christos Tsaganeas), a professional musician, is disappointed by his son Dimitris’ decision (Giorgos Kampaneilis) to abandon his classical music studies in order to become a popular singer....
After leaving a party, Kostas (Nikos Kourkoulos) and Rea (Zoi Laskari) go together to another party held by Petros. There things are a little more risqué: passionate dances, kissing, striptease and p...
This is the first film of Vasilis Georgiadis, a great Greek director, whose films have twice been Oscar nominees for best foreign language film. This is perhaps the only Greek athletic film production...
The search for a missing woman gives an Athenian lawyer, Manos – who is suffocating in his marriage to Kynthia – the opportunity to travel to Epirus. Leaving his familiar surroundings, he gradual...