Short comedy about Heinie and Louie, played by James Aubrey and Elmer Redmond. In Belgium they were known as Fridolin and Otto. In this film Fridolin and Otto quarrel and break up. Disillusioned, they...
Educational film shot at the 'Hooger Normaalinstituut van Landbouwhuiskunde, Laeken', a school for rural domestic economy in Laken, in which a pupil shows the different steps in making Pont L'Evèque ...
News report about the memorial service, held in Bruges and Antwerp, following the repatriation of the remains of Charles Fryatt, an English captain accused, condemned and shot by the Germans for pirac...
Film used against itself, in an essay on the entanglement of mistery and religious merchandising where the kino-spirit rules instead of the kino-eye.
A couple's suffering finally comes to an end when Jean, having lost his memory through shell shock, sees the cross of shame on Jenevieve's breast, gets his memory back and the two pledge their troth.
This commissioned film shows us some of the multitude of activities that occur within the national railway company. We travel by rail through beautiful Belgian landscapes and are given an often surpri...
Various newsreel items. Among others, general Gouraud makes a speech during a memorial service of the First World War at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Paris.
Promotional documentary commissioned by Bekaert, a company that makes steel wire and fences.