Censurní sbor poradní (Censor Advisory Board) suggested complete interdiction of the film "Vrah mezi námi.... "M".
Film distributing company applies for censoring of the film "Vrah mezi námi..."M"".
Rozšířený censurní sbor poradní (Extended Censor Advisory Board) suggested complete interdiction of the film "Vrah mezi námi "M" ".
Film distributing company applies for new censoring of the film "Vrah mezi námi.../"M"/ " after the previous complete interdiction (10.8.1931). The film was completely interdicted again.
Film distributing company applies for new censoring of the film "M". The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people, exclusion of scenes and dialogues.
Film distributing company applies for new censoring of the film "M". The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people, exclusion of scenes and dialogues.