Do it yourself porno-animation. It has never been so easy or so cheap to make a cheerful, carefree video. But this doesn't mean the story doesn't have a moral.
Some Copenhagen Wannabe's are gathered at a party, where references are everuthing. The film focus on our main character's doings in this environement this particular night in a fragmented way.
For at stimulere interessen for "The America Graduate School" i Danmark - en række kurser for unge, amerikanske akademikere - er filmen fremstillet i tilknytning til de fag, der undervises i, fx dans...
A 3D animated film about two spotlights who`d rather play than switch off, as the "mommy" light wants them to when she says goodnight.
På et hospital i The Bronx befinder der sig en gruppe patienter som nærmest sidder som menneskelige statuer, tilsyneladende helt uden kontakt med omverdenen. En nyankommen læge begynder at interess...
Portræt af et italiensk-amerikansk kvarter i The Bronx, New York. En ung fyr har vundet den lokale mafiaboss' gunst. Det giver mange fordele, men huer ikke hans far, der er en hæderlig buschauffør....
I 1952 forliser "Det skæve skib, The Flying Enterprise" i en orkan sydvest for Irland. Sidste mand ombord er kaptajn Kurt Carlsen. Han udråbes til helt i den vestlige verden. Trekvart mio. mennesker...
This film shows how industry can make use of things that otherwise would end on the rubbish heap.
Moana Maria Goetze, Elena Halangk (left to right) in "Bandsalat" (2020)
Tajo Hurrle
"Fuchskind" (2021)
Sebastian Rieker
Incomplete film on the airplane 'Princesse Marie-Jose'
Documentary made in Sweden for Belgian audiences after the sudden death of Queen Astrid.
Commemoration of the liberation of Brussels.
Commemoration of the liberation of Brussels.
Newsreels from the week of September 18, 1944.
Newsreels from the week of September 18, 1944.
Newsreels from the week of July 9th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of July 9th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of September 1st, 1945
Newsreels from the week of September 1st, 1945
Il documentario illustra alcune fasi della costruzione della diga del Vajont, mettendo particolarmente in luce la dimensione umana degli operai che stanno lavorando all’impresa. I lavoratori s...
Roma, agosto 1960: tutta la città imbandierata attende l'inizio della 17a Olimpiade, Roma si presenta agli atleti e ai suoi stessi cittadini rinnovata grazie a nuovi impianti sportivi e nuove o...
Spyros (Manos Katrakis), a political refugee, returns to his homeland in his old age after many years in exile. His return is thorny, as even his wife (Ntora Volanaki) is like a stranger to him. Spyro...
Da den unge californiske kvinde Susan Murphy på sin bryllupsdag uforvarende bliver ramt af en meteor fuld af rum-snask, begynder hun på mystisk vis at vokse og når en højde på 15 meter og 22 cent...