The film is based on the story of Romeo and Juliet. Two young people, Dimitris and Myrto, whose families are mortal enemies, fall in love. Myrto’s father had caused the financial ruin of Dimitris’...
A middle-aged and long-suffering widow, Mrs. Lena, works hard as a cleaning lady in the trolleys and as a maid in the houses of the wealthy. She struggles to raise her three children and hopes to see ...
When a salesman (Mimis Fotopoulos) finds a baby that was abandoned outside a house, he takes care of it and, at the same time, searches for its parents or for a couple to adopt it. In the end, he beco...
Adapted from Alekos Sakellarios’ and Christos Giannakopoulos’ theatrical play. Meletis the grocer, a simple and meek guy (Ntinos Iliopoulos) gives his consent to his sister Mary (Anna Synodinou) t...
An orphan girl (Kakia Analyti) finds shelter on the farm of a nobleman (Giannis Argyris) who takes her in as if she were his daughter. His ill-mannered son (Vyron Pallis) attempts to make her his, but...
In prison, Maro (Eleni Prokopiou) tells a prostitute Soula (Sperantza Vrana) the reason she was convicted. Her sister’s (Ntina Trianti) husband Kostas (Giorgos Moutsios) was harassing her sexually, ...
The daughter (Martha Vourtsi) of an employee in a shipyard (Lavrentis Dianellos) works as a maid in the house of the shipyard owner. She falls in love with the son’s boss (Vyron Pallis) and the coup...
Andreas, nephew of the abbot of the Monastery of Dionysios, who died eight years previously, arrives at Agion Oros (Mount Athos) with a team of smugglers of antiquities, with the intention of stealing...