During one of his strolls through the countryside, the student Niky meets the actress Eva, part of a film company that has come to the country for shooting. However, when the company director falls in...
Polodetail Anny (Anny Ondráková) na tmavém pozadí
Daisy - the banker´s daughter (actress: Anny Ondráková) and the Duke of Pommery (actor: Theodor Pištěk).
Daisy - the banker's daughter (actress: Anny Ondráková) in a light dress with King of Fashion (actor: Leon Poiret) surrounded by mannequins.
Daisy - the banker's daughter (actress: Anny Ondráková) and Sherlock Holmes (actor: Eman Fiala)
Ondráková (actress) on a coat and scarf, Pelíšek (actor) on a pullover. There is a slogan on the wall: "Only for ladies".
Dagmar (actress: Anny Ondráková) and Ješek (actor: Karel Lamač) - "arrival from the darkness"- the ancestor of the landowner Dražický watch themselves.
From the left: housemaid, chief butler (actor: Luigi Hofman), old houseman Jan (actor: Josef Šváb-Malostranský) and Dagmar - the wife of the landowner Dražický (actress: Anny Ondráková)
Annie (actress: Anny Ondráková) and Jirka (child actor: B. Charvát) sit on the grass and watch Karel (actor: Karel Lamač).