The film, largely autobiographical, is an exquisite commentary on the crucial decade 1965-1975. The camera records images of current everyday life, while the director’s two previous short films, Let...
Young Aliki, after the death of her father, Mr. Nestoras, who was the general administrator of a theatrical company, takes the road to Athens with her sole companion Arapis, her dog. The orphaned girl...
This is a documentary which presents the reaction of the Greek people to the Colonel’s Junta, and the celebrations that followed the fall of the reviled dictatorial regime. The documentary features ...
Young Mina (Ellie Lambeti) goes for a dip on a Sunday morning at a secluded beach. Two buggers steal her bag, in which there is a lottery ticket. The kids sell the ticket to Alexis (Dimitris Horn). Th...
Angelos is about to leave for Australia. In Piraeus he meets a girl (Anna Fonsou) who falls in love with him. This acquaintance, however, reminds him of his old love (Elena Nathanail), whom he left be...
Miss Avra (Sapfo Notara) has a tenant named Petros (Giorgos Pantzas), who decides to write the biography of colonel Kolaris (Alekos Leivaditis) on the recommendation of his friend Aris (Giannis Vogiat...
A young man (Giorgos Tsemperopoulos) arrives in Athens to study at the School of Fine Arts. He doesn’t let the events at the Polytechnic in November 1973 affect his studies, and he also begins an af...
Stelios (Alekos Alexandrakis), a promising young civil engineer, is delaying his marriage with Anna (Kaiti Papanika) because he feels obliged to marry off his sisters first. When Anna gets engaged to ...