The film centers on the lives of three friends during World War II. One of them is executed for deserting, having attempted to see his girlfriend. Another of the three friends is traumatized by the de...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
Ten years after the first emigration wave of Greek laborers to Belgium coalmines, the director takes a personal view of the problems confronting these laborers in a European country which provides the...
Unrelated scenes with no continuity or storyline, mainly taken from the GERMAN OFFENSIVE series of Spring 1918, showing the British sector of the Western Front between March and April 1918. An additio...
Unedited sequences from the journey of Roussos Koundouros in cenrtal Asia with reference to places passed by Alexander the Great.
The ancient capital of the kingdom of Ph...
Documentary that follows the preservation process of the Acropolis monuments from 1973 to 1986. It imprints the slow pace of the labour and the gradual changes, as well as the tenseness of the scienti...
(Reel 29) The opening justifies the series, "It is our contention that all right minded men and women will essentially look in a spirit of reverence upon all these things... This film does not depend ...
One night, assisted by her faithful retainers, the beautiful, consumptive and unhappily married Countess Alexandra flees from her brutal husband and travels to a mountain resort where she hopes to reg...