Iro Konstantopoulou was thirteen years old when the Germans invaded Greece. Despite her age, however, she got involved with the resistance. When she was arrested for the first time, her rich father ma...
Based on the book by Ilias Venezis “The Number 31328”, the film by Nikos Koundouros unfolds through the personal tragedies of three characters, the Asia Minor Disaster and the agonizing travails o...
A band goes from village feast to village feast. Singer Eurydiki (Eurydice) falls for a farmer and goes with him to Athens to record an LP. When her solo career falters, she returns to the band, which...
An inmate of an asylum for conscientious objectors is released from the institute after 20 years of confinement. He wanders about in a place that doesn’t remind him of anything from the past, and ev...
Theophilos Chatzimichail (Dimitris Kataleifos), the legendary painter from Lesbos, drops western garb and begins to wear the traditional Greek outfit. He often dresses like the national heroes he pain...
A dropout bohemian type wanders the disreputable districts of the city. He gathers around him a group of motley characters, who share a common ambition. They all want to “hit the jackpot” and get ...