Petros, the son of the industrialist Tsamis, is in love with factory worker Martha, but their wedding is cancelled because of the strong opposition and scheming of his father. Martha’s mother dies; ...
A father (Titos Vandis), his two sons and his daughter set death traps for passing cars, in order to rob them. His relation with his daughter is incestuous, and he himself is a product of the extreme ...
Amaryllis is a young and beautiful girl, whom her father has isolated in a villa in the countryside, keeping her confined there for fear of being abandoned the moment she experiences love, as her moth...
Wealthy Sofia is in love with poor Manos, who works at her late father’s factory. Her father’s partner Lampros is now married to her mother. Her stepfather’s son, Linos, does not approve of th...
As indicated by the title, this is an obvious melodrama, where a beautiful rich girl (Miranda), departs from family norms and traditions by falling in love with a poor singer – obliging her to leave...
A girl (Anna Fonsou) finds out, a little before she gets married to her beloved (Nikos Tzogias), that her supposed father is really her uncle. The latter, when his own daughter died, represented the e...
A coachman from Plaka murders his wife’s ex lover and goes to prison. When he is released twenty years later, he accidentally meets his daughter, who is now married to an eminent doctor.
A rich Greek-American (Vasilis Mitsakis) is vacationing on a Greek island together with his daughter (Katia Dandoulaki). The entrepreneur used to be a surgeon but left his job feeling responsible for ...
Szene mit Shelly Kästner (rechts)
Shelley Kästner, Alfred Edel
Szene mit Wolfgang Packhäuser