A rich girl, Lili (Anna Fonsou), hangs out with a group of young people who violently contest the established rules and values. Lili also despises her sister (Viveta Tsiouni), and her hatred drives he...
A poor medical student, Petros, works as a waiter to make ends meet. So he accepts the enticing proposal of Kostas Fragkopoulos, a well-off customer, to marry his sister Liza with the promise of a “...
When Giorgios (Lampros Konstantaras) realizes that his company is ready to financially collapse, he considers committing suicide, something that his relatives also support as they want to gain the mon...
A young woman who lost her husband in a tragedy at sea near Indochina five years earlier doesn’t give up hope. She lives with him in her thoughts and with the certainty that one day he will return a...
Manousos (Nikos Xanthopoulos) is the eldest child of a poor and large family living in rural Greece. When he completes his military duty, he decides to work in Athens to help his mother (Eleni Zafeiro...
Vassilis (Nikos Xanthopoulos) is a singer, struggling to support his mother and sister and to find his father, who disappeared during the evacuation of Smyrna. One day, he finds out that his father is...
The notary Nikolaos Antoniou invites to his office the four beneficiaries of a 120-million drachma inheritance and informs them that, according to the will, for them to collect their share they must e...