Record of various activities involved in the running of Haddo Estate, including the maintenance of Haddo House, its outbuildings and the agricultural activities on the estate farmlands throughout the ...
Family scenes of the Gordon family, a scout camp at Haddo House, Aberdeenshire, and Lord Aberdeen greeting King George VI and family at Ballater station.
Ardrossan and Saltcoats theatrical amateur players are welcomed home by cheering crowds in Saltcoats. Shot of the David Belasco Cup won by the players.
First in a series of monthly film reviews of Scotland. Film reconstructs a bank robbery, looks at the Borzoi dog, shoe manufacture at Saxone in Kilmarnock, latest hairdressing styles and the "first s...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
A journey by train and boat from Perthshire to Skye.
Comedy drama about a man who goes to the pub after fighting with his wife and is knocked out in a fight. There is an ensuing dream sequence then a happy ending. [Part of the Edinburgh Cine and Video S...
Documentary examining womens' experience of leisure-time in the Edinburgh area.
Sangay Rinchen, Irja von Bernstorff (both in the front) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Irja von Bernstorff (second from the right), Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
German movie poster of "Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
Kun et døgn - men hvad kan der ikke ske? Afgørende ting for et menneske, en livsskæbnes bestemmelse, en revolution i et menneskes tilværelse, skønt man ikke søgte det. Marianne oplevede på 24 t...
Drengen Rocky lider af en sjælden knoglesygdom der gør hans ansigt og hoved mere og mere deformt. Han bor alene med sin udadtil knaldhårde mor som ikke desto mindre er hans enorme støtte ligesom h...
Filmen, der kan ses som et forstudie til Motion Picture, er 16 mm sort/hvid optagelser af Torben Ulrich under træning i HIKs tennishal i 1969. Der spoles frem og tilbage under optagelserne, laves dob...
Todd Bowden er en af de dygtigste elever i sin gymnasieklasse og ellers en helt almindelig teenager på 16 år, lige indtil han afslører en dødsensfarlig hemmelighed. Det viser sig nemlig, at nazifo...
Hanna er en noget usædvanlig teenagerpige. Hendes styrke, udholdenhed og kamptræning er som en kommandosoldats, hvilket er resultatet af hendes opvækst alene sammen med sin far i den finske vildmar...
Per Brask er en fiskerdreng, en rask knægt på 16 år, endnu for ung til at være med på havet, selvom han som andre af Vestkystens drenge må give en hånd med i det daglige arbejde. Han er mest op...
Der Film wurde in seiner
Parodistischer Scherzfilm auf das Schauspiel Homunkulus. Fräulein Dr. Girlanda gelang es fast einen chemischen Menschen herzustellen, da ließ ihr Famulus das Embryo fallen und es zerbrach. Si...