One day, on the island of Lesbos, a shepherd by the name of Lamonas finds an abandoned little boy sucking milk from the teats of a goat. The shepherd calls the boy Dafnis and takes him as his own chil...
This is a composite, three-part film comprising three independent stories with a common theme: Greek behavior when placed under foreign yoke. The first part, entitled “The Clock”, is a comedy se...
Ardrossan and Saltcoats theatrical amateur players are welcomed home by cheering crowds in Saltcoats. Shot of the David Belasco Cup won by the players.
First in a series of monthly film reviews of Scotland. Film reconstructs a bank robbery, looks at the Borzoi dog, shoe manufacture at Saxone in Kilmarnock, latest hairdressing styles and the "first s...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
A journey by train and boat from Perthshire to Skye.
Comedy drama about a man who goes to the pub after fighting with his wife and is knocked out in a fight. There is an ensuing dream sequence then a happy ending. [Part of the Edinburgh Cine and Video S...
Film highlights the scenic beauty of the Highlands on the Oban to Inverness steamer route.
German movie poster of "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen, Irja von Bernstorff in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen (on the left) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen (on the left) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Volker Michalowski (in the middle), Gael García Bernal (on the right) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Sangay Rinchen, Irja von Bernstorff (both in the front) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Tre kvinder har en ting tilfælles i deres tilværelse: De er alle dybt knyttet til adoption: Karen fik et barn som 14-årig, som blev bortadopteret straks ved fødslen og hun har siden følt et brudt...
Havenisserne Gnomeo og Julie må gå så grueligt meget igennem før de kan forene den blå og den røde have i fred og fordragelighed efter at have levet i nabokrig i årtier. Men kan det unge par fi...
To større historier, én alvorlig og melodramatisk og én noget lettere, samt flere mindre sidehistorier, væves sammen og giver, fra forskellige vinkler, et billede af tilværelsens kringlede forhol...