A documentary, narrated and directed by Sean Connery, on the turbulent industrial relations of the workforce of Fairfield's shipyard on the Clyde during the mid 1960s.
Television documentary from the mid 1960s about the redevelopment of Dundee: new houses, destruction of slums, the building of the Tay Road Bridge, growth of shops and industry.
Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking at the aftermath in the area around Okuma Town, the remaining effects of radioactive contamination, and ...
Japan Desk Scotland’s eighth documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking back at the work to create a radiation map of the surrounding area and the establishment of the Institu...
Russian war drama about the love between a peasant girl and a Russian prince at the time of the Russian (February) Revolution in 1917. As a young peasant girl, Mary Warren (Geraldine Farrar) is being ...
Amateur footage of people in Glasgow's Botanic Gardens, traffic on Great Western Road and street scenes in the city.
An amateur film shot in the mid 1980s showing various leisure activities in and around the Perthshire town of Crieff including; water sports, pony trekking, BMX bikes, raft river racing, and radio con...
Educational film examining the different stages involved in pregnancy.
Église de Troyon (Département Meuse, Lorraine, Église Saint-Martin)
Der Film wurde anlässlich der 4. Weltfestspiele der Jugend und Studenten 1953 in Bukarest gedreht. erzählt wird die Geschichte eines Abiturienten, der in einem sozialistischen Jugendkollektiv in der...
Čitavih mesec dana je junak iz borbi na Kosovu i kod Bitolja iz Prvog Balkanskog rata, komandant Moravske divizije II poziva, pukovnik Milovan Nedić, vodio bespoštednu borbu sa Bugarima koja se n...
Marie Daulne er en del af og den drivende kraft i musik- og sanggruppen Zap Mama. Hun bor i Zaïre, men har også stærke rødder i Belgien. Hun tilhører to kulturer. Hendes far, der blev dræbt af o...
"Det forbudte landshold" er en exceptionel dokumentarfilm, der pÃ¥ allernærmeste hold følger de svære forberedelser og den ukuelige og til tider absurde kamp for - imod alle tænkelige odds - at fÃ...
Dr. Parnassus og hans ekstraordinære oplevelses Imaginarium, rejser rundt og stiller publikum over for en række uimodståelige valg. Men til trods for Parnassus evne til at fornemme andre menneskers...
»Safe Condition, Document in the Past Perfect" af billedkunstneren Lars Mathisen er en kunstvideo, som også kan bruges i uddannelsessektoren. Videoens råmateriale består af redigerede optagelser f...
Eisensteins to film om Ivan, der som den første russiske zar samlede Rusland i det 16. århundrede og måtte kæmpe drabelige slag mod bojarerne for at nå dette mål. "Et zardømme uden frygt er som...
Christian IX (b. 1818) died 29 January 1906. He was king of Denmark for 42 years. With his many family ties to the royal houses of Europe, he was known as 'Europe's father-in-law'. After castrum dolor...