(Reel 1) King George V and General Sir Herbert Plumer, commanding Second Army to which the two divisions were attached, are greeted by 30th (Old Hickory) Division commander, Major-General Edward M Lew...
1. Batumi: The Russian trade steamer that was sunk by the Turks.
2. War reports from the West. / Primitive manufacture of wax candles for the trenches. Photographed by Martin Kopp.
3. Coast ...
Progress report regarding new Pollok housing estate on the outskirts of Glasgow. The contrast between new semi-detached houses and older tenements is illustrated.
As indicated by the title, this is an obvious melodrama, where a beautiful rich girl (Miranda), departs from family norms and traditions by falling in love with a poor singer – obliging her to leave...
I. Columns of British companies march into the city on 18th October. They are Liverpool Irish, otherwise 8th Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment) of 57th (West Lancashire) Division. The men carry fl...
It is Christmas Eve and Martha, Eleni's grandaughter, is sent out to beg in the streets, is hit by a car and seriously injured. Martha’s grandmother, Eleni, is Mrs. Olga’s maid from Southern Epir...
Join in all the fun of Ardeer Sports and Gala Day, 1954.
As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
Still from "Ich gab Dich zum Pfande"
Victor Sjöström
Still with Victor Sjöström
Still from "Ich gab Dich zum Pfande"
Still from "Ich gab Dich zum Pfande"
Still with Victor Sjöström
Still from "Ich gab Dich zum Pfande"
Victor Sjöström
Leo er 16 år og har stort set tjek på tilværelsen. Men da hendes far, der forsvandt ud af hendes liv ti år tidligere, pludselig dukker op som lokal dramalærer, vælter usikre følelser op i den u...
<p>Dramatiske begivenheder førte til, at Kate Kendel som 8-årig kom til at leve hos forskellige missionær-plejeforældre i Sierra Leone og Skandinavien. Men da hun som 16-årig kom tilbage ti...
Roy og Denise Solomon forlader sammen med deres to børn det hurtige byliv i Chicago for at drive en lille solsikkeplantage i et afsides hjørne af North Dakota. Den 16-årige Jess finder dog snart ud...
Den smukke prinsesse Aurora er kongen og dronningens eneste barn. Ved sin dåb får hun af de tre gode feer gode ønsker for sin fremtid, men også en forbandelse af den onde fe Malavia, der er rasend...
Et filmportræt af to unge piger i nutidens Grønland med dets brydninger mellem gammelt og nyt. Susanne, 16 år, bor i en moderne boligblok i Nuuk, hun er gået ud af skolen, er gravid og går hjemme...
During the war thousands of tons of brown coal were taken out of the thick surface strata in Jutland. They were an important contribution to the supply of fuel. A Danish klondyke arose in the peaceful...
Et portræt af chilensk fødte Isabel på 16 år, som hverken føler sig som dansker eller chilener. Hun bor i Avedøre ved København sammen med sin mor og tjener sine penge i en burgerrestaurant. Is...
Sittendrama nach der gleichnamigen Novelle von Iwan Turgenjeff, mit Rosa Porten. (Regie R. Portegg.) Sinaide, die Tochter der verarmten, dem Trunke ergebenen Fürstin Saßjäkin, unterhält mit...