Remake of Martin's silent movie La Tragédie de Marchienne (1929). A group of children is listening carefully to an aged shepherd telling the story of Yvonne Vieslet. This Belgian girl, aged 10 at the...
Promotional documentary about different industrial working activities. These activities show how Belgium is a modernized country with lots of industry and good infrastructure (canals, harbours) to kee...
Description de quelques manifestations folkloriques : les géants Janneke et Mieke de Bruxelles, le pélerinage de Hakendover, la procession de Saint-Eleuthère à Tournai, la marche militaire de Sain...
European fairy tale in which George Longsford, 'Marquis de Carabas', succeeds in stealing the heart of the king's daughter, with a little help from Charles Catworth, puss in boots.
"Reportage on what life is in the trenches on the Western Front. It questions the aim to be achieved in spite of the bloodshed and continuation of dying soldiers in the Belgian killing fields. This re...
Documentary about a cooperative society established in 1914 by the municipalities in the Brussels region. The objective was to guarantee its population to provide everyone with meals during the years ...
"War drama about a woman hero, in love with a military engineer and coveted by his odious collaborationist ""krauts"" . She does not give in to the blackmail of a German who is lying to her about her ...
Betta the Gypsy' is set within a gypsy community. Betta starts a new life with her loved-one Herbert, far away from her family and scheming gypsy guy Tempestro, who does everything to make her his own...