The Mayor and town council assemble outside the Town Hall and deliver speeches on the presentation of the ambulances. A local clergyman gives a prayer. The ambulances then drive past the watching sold...
Dans un champ, des soldats, des officiers, des civils et Jules-Louis Breton, membres de la Commission de la Direction des inventions, étudient différents types de mitrailleuses conçues pour tirer c...
En 1917, des ouvriers chinois venus en France pour participer à l'effort de guerre aux côtés des alliés, avancent en ligne devant des baraquements puis se dispersent, sous le regard de quelques ci...
Movies unidentified. The scenes show probably the invasion of France by the German army in the early stages of the First World War.
Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, les villes et villages du nord-est de la France ont été détruits par centaines et la population vit dans les ruines. Courageuses, des femmes continuent à distr...
The 2nd of August 1914 - mobilization day. French troops invade German territory and occupy an inn. The innkeeper's daughter reports the attack. The French soldiers are overpowered.
The British reverse their Mark V Male tanks into a courtyard in the centre of the city, to the interest of the civilian crowd. The men perform maintenance on their tanks, while soldiers and armed Germ...
A stage has been set up in a field near the town, and men of the Corps perform an acrobatic and dancing show in costume for an audience of soldiers of various nationalities, predominantly British, and...
31103 - Thann - Rue des Boeufs - La Collégiale Saint-Thiébaut (Thann, Haut-Rhin)
Austrian soldiers and a group of children and civilians.
Recruitment commission. In the foreground stands Jiří Voldán (actor: Vladimír Ch. Vladimírov).
A crowd of civilians on Wenceslas Square in Prague during mobilization.
A crowd of civilians on Wenceslas Square in Prague during mobilization.