The film is a modern adaptation of the old myth: twelve-year old Chloe lives with her mother in a fishing village – with Giorgos, son of a fisherman, as her companion in play. Her mother tries to ma...
At a hotel in Trieste, Kyveli (Eva Kotamanidou), who is the wife of a political prisoner of the Junta, falls in love with her husband’s old student (Antrei Severin), who is famous for his actions ag...
Four stories. A young man struggles to secure his future. A priest tries to establish a connection with his congregation. A boy and a girl reach adolescence. Two soldiers become friends in the trenche...
A man (Telis Zotos) who is considered a traitor and informant for the Germans during the war is actually a key member of the Resistance movement, and his secret is revealed.
Miss Fanouria –Ritsa– Kalafati (Sapfo Notara) is a smart door-woman to whom everyone turns for advice on matters of the heart. She also “reads” coffee cups. But at the same time, she never mis...
A hard-working man (Tolis Voskopoulos) is accused by his girlfriend’s brother of stealing from the company he works for. The owner of the company is his girlfriend’s father (Lykourgos Kallergis). ...
A world-famous magician is expected to perform in Athens, but at the last minute something comes up, and he is unable to make it. But work is work and somebody has to do it. Filippos, a young, unemplo...
Poor young ophthamology student Stefanos, the son of a janitor, is in love with Liza, a doctor’s daughter. And while Liza loves him in return, her parents frown on her relationship with someone not...