Syge- og ulykkesforsikringsagent Schwindelmeyer er en meget smart herre, og hans hustru, Fru Adelaide, står ikke tilbage for ham i smartness. Da Schwindelmeyer hurtig er bleven klar over, at det er e...
Inspektør Groot for tugthuset modtager svar på en ansøgning, han har indsendt til Justitsministeriet. Han er en ivrig repræsentant for den moderne straffepleje og har ansøgt ministeriet om tillad...
Report on the growth of the city of Brussels
Reportage over de begrafenis van koning Albert, eindigend met de intrede van koning Leopold III. De reportage begint met een aantal marcherende soldaten op een plein. Sfeerbeelden van fietsers, gedeco...
Unfinished report about a cycle race at Brussels's Palais des Sports.
Den berygtede internationale forbryderske, fru Valentine Kempel, har lejet en lejlighed i byens midte og har udstyret den med vanvittig luksus. Herfra kaster hun sit net af intriger ud over byen, og v...
Promotionele documentaire over de witloofteelt in de streek rond Brussel. In deze film voor witloof wordt aanvankelijk het hele kweekproces besproken. Zaaien, wieden, uitdunnen, oogsten en dan het pla...
Ceremonies on the occasion of the coronation of Leopold III.
22987 - Nieuport (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale) - Le Mamelon-vert
23266 - Igny-le-Jard (Igny-Comblizy, Département Marne) - L'evacuation
23152 - Tracy-le-val (Oise, Picardie) - tranchées boches
22932 - Nieuport (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale) - Explosion d'un 420
Prisonniers á Courcelle (Oise, Picardie)
Un canon de 37
Prise de Courcelles (Oise, Picardie) en 1918
Prise de Courcelles (Oise, Picardie) en 1918
Glasgow in the post-war years and the Corporation's futuristic plans for the city's development. [The film was made to tie in with an exhibition of the same title, held at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow....
A camel train approaches and enters the city. A panorama of the city taken from the sea. Tiffin (compressed camel or horse fodder) being unloaded from ships lying out to sea by surf boats. The men wor...
I. RAMC men help refugees in a street in Douai to load both themselves and their belongings into a British Army lorry. As the last one is loaded the tailboard is closed up and the people wave as the l...
Australian soldiers, probably of 5th Division, at the south end of the Saint Quentin tunnel at Bellicourt. A temporary bridge has been built just below the tunnel entrance. A view, from on top of the ...
As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
Le service d'hygiène du comité américain a attiré l'attention des autorités médicales et des milieux parlementaires sur l'état d'hygiène sociale de l'enfance du département sinistré de l'Ais...
An amateur newreel about Bonnybridge in the early 1980s. Features children walking for the bus, the annual Scout camp at Barr Wood, clearing the banks of the Forth and Canal, and the Bonnybridge Gala...