Two charming racketeers who are struggling to survive (Koulis Stoligkas and Nikos Rizos) sneak into a theatre and meet the actor Tony (Ilias Stamatiou), who is homeless. They invite him to stay with t...
A painter (Lefteris Vournas) falls in love with a musician (Betty Arvaniti), but when he loses his eyesight, he pulls away from her, worried that his disability might compromise her career. Many years...
In prison, four somewhat flighty characters: Kontos, Psilos, Alekos and Sinoué, who are bullied by the guards like all the other prisoners, decide to find their old selves again. They unwind by playi...
A young actor (Giorgos Kimoulis) has made several attempts at suicide knowing that his friend (Kostas Artzoglou) will always save him. His life, though, totally changes when a man (Fanis Chinas) appea...