Coverage of the Peebles March Riding and Beltane Festival which falls in a Jubilee Year, the celebrations include a Piper which leads a procession of children and the Beltane Queen and her retinue th...
HRH the Prince of Wales on a tour of the Highlands and Islands with visits including the Highland stoneware pottery at Lochinver, a woollen mill on Lewis, an electronics factory on Skye and fudge and ...
En fortælling om et venskab mellem to usædvanlige pennevenner: Mary, en ensom, kraftig 8-årig pige som bor i en forstad til Melbourne og Max, en 44-årig jødisk mand med Aspergers syndrom fra New ...
Footage of and from various steam locomotives, diesel engines and railway related activities. [Filmed by railway enthusiast, the Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair].
Borgerne i den lille by Hyland i New England er rystede, da en ung pige bliver brutalt myrdet og efterladt i sneen. Og for Carolyn og Ben Ryan er det en katastrofe. Den myrdede pige var deres søn Jac...
Shots of various restaurants in Glasgow.
Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal visits Banff and Macduff. Events include the opening of the new harbour, naming of the steam drifter 'Wheat Stalk' and laying the foundation stone of the Banff W...
German movie poster
Szene aus "Living Buddha" (1987-94)
Szene aus "Die drei Räuber"
Filmplakat 02
Szene aus "Felidae"
"Aggregat" (2018)
Rudi Schuricke bei den Dreharbeiten
John Taylor (PlasticsEurope) erklärt die Vorzüge von Plastik
Ein sentimentales Sittenbild nach dem Roman
Gesellschaftskomödie nach dem Theaterstück
Boxerdrama nach dem Roman
"Commercial for the car, ""Le Sabre""."
Documentary on the history of Brussels.
Préparation du chantier des logements sociaux dans les Marolles. Au pied du Palais de Justice s'étend un terrain vague entouré d'une palissade. C'est là qu'on va construire un building à appartem...
The visit of a Cilean delegation to Belgium.
Documentary on the mechanised production of chocolate.