Coverage of the Peebles March Riding and Beltane Festival which falls in a Jubilee Year, the celebrations include a Piper which leads a procession of children and the Beltane Queen and her retinue th...
HRH the Prince of Wales on a tour of the Highlands and Islands with visits including the Highland stoneware pottery at Lochinver, a woollen mill on Lewis, an electronics factory on Skye and fudge and ...
En fortælling om et venskab mellem to usædvanlige pennevenner: Mary, en ensom, kraftig 8-årig pige som bor i en forstad til Melbourne og Max, en 44-årig jødisk mand med Aspergers syndrom fra New ...
Footage of and from various steam locomotives, diesel engines and railway related activities. [Filmed by railway enthusiast, the Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair].
Borgerne i den lille by Hyland i New England er rystede, da en ung pige bliver brutalt myrdet og efterladt i sneen. Og for Carolyn og Ben Ryan er det en katastrofe. Den myrdede pige var deres søn Jac...
Shots of various restaurants in Glasgow.
Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal visits Banff and Macduff. Events include the opening of the new harbour, naming of the steam drifter 'Wheat Stalk' and laying the foundation stone of the Banff W...
Amateur footage of Townswomen's Guild events, including a coach trip to the Borders, music and theatrical productions and a fashion show.
Amateur footage of a coach trip from Glasgow to Rome, travelling through France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany and Austria on the way.
Amateur home movie of a family at home - children playing in a garden, on the beach and at a play-park.
Australian soldiers, probably of 5th Division, at the south end of the Saint Quentin tunnel at Bellicourt. A temporary bridge has been built just below the tunnel entrance. A view, from on top of the ...
Training film depicting new method of packaging shortbread fingers in Crawford's factory. Shows the increase of automated manufacturing processes.
I. An out-of-focus sequence of General Sir Edmund Allenby (?) reviewing a marchpast by British or Indian Cavalry of the Desert Mounted Corps, Palestine Front, 1918.II. Arab workers filling bottles and...
A film interpretation of the poem 'The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo' by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Margaret Tait reads the poem throughout the film.
Australian troops practising bomb (hand grenade) throwing from slit trenches. The explosions are filmed at various angles and distances. The 'cup final' of 7th (Meerut) Division football championships...
Da en hær af monstrøse skabninger kaldet Kaiju steg op fra Stillehavet, begyndte en krig, der kostede millioner af menneskeliv og tærede på menneskehedens ressourcer i flere år. For at bekæmpe d...
Tina, der stadig bor hjemme hos sin krakilske og overbeskyttende mor, er ikke svær at overtale, da hendes nye kæreste, Chris, inviterer hende på en 'erotisk odysse' i bil med campingvogn. Hun har e...
Han kunne have nydt freden og magten som leder af the Necromongers, men tørsten efter at genfinde sin egen planet lokker alligevel den undslupne straffefange Riddick til at stole på sin gamle rival ...
I denne moderne udgave af Jonathan Swifts klassiske fortælling spiller Jack Black hovedrollen som Lemuel Gulliver, en kæmpende forfatter der leverer post rundt på avisen The Times. For at imponere ...
I 2009 styrter en NASA sonde ned i grænselandet mellem Mexico og USA med en samling prøver fra en fremmed planet. 6 år efter er halvdelen af den mexicanske stat inficeret af udenjordiske livsformer...
Billy Beane er direktør for baseballholdet The Oakland As. Det er ham, der sætter holdet og skaffer spillere og en dag går der noget meget vigtigt op for ham; selve grundlaget for baseballspillet e...
Den dobbelte Oscar-vinder Barbara Kopple ("Harlan County, U.S.A.", "American Dream") ser i sin nye film med friske øjne på det amerikanske samfunds omgang med våben ti år efter Michael Moore "Bowl...
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