Da den unge californiske kvinde Susan Murphy på sin bryllupsdag uforvarende bliver ramt af en meteor fuld af rum-snask, begynder hun på mystisk vis at vokse og når en højde på 15 meter og 22 cent...
Joe er looper. Det er jordens nemmeste job i 2040. På nærmere bestemte tidspunkter og steder møder han op med sin skyder og likviderer en bagbundet mand med en sæk over hovedet. Det er den perfekt...
Da Ane pludselig en dag uden varsel flytter ind i et drengekollektiv på Vesterbro i København, skaber det uro i balancen mellem drengerøvene. De må gøre plads i lejligheden, ændre deres lumre ru...
Carsten, a 50-year-old, married high-school teacher, is having an affair with Pil, a much younger woman, who is politically active. Carsten's wife, Nina, wants a divorce. Pil is involved in a politica...
Kriegsdrama (100% ig deutsch) nach
Sittenbild (deutsch nachsynchron.) nach Stück
Ausstattungs-Revue (englisch, Farbenphotographie) nach der Komödie
(englisch) nach dem Roman
Jack Trevor, Werner Krauß (v.l.n.r.)
Hannelore Hoger
German movie poster of "Kosmetik des Bösen" (2021)
"Der Prinz und der Dybbuk" (2017)
Guest House Dining Hall at Beit Oren in "Bickels [Socialism]" (2015-17)
Özer Kiziltan
Maciej Sykala, Justyna Bartoszewicz in "Worst Case Scenario" (2012-14)
Tre helt særlige jordegern, Alvin, Theodore og Simon, løber tilfældigt ind i den kriseramte sangskriver Dave Seville og beslutter at flytte ind hos ham. I håbet om at overbevise Dave om, at han sk...
Close-up of a sergeant holding a football marked 2Y&L. Pan over the men of the battalion, lying, sitting or standing informally, with two Lewis machine guns in the front row. Two lance-corporals sitti...
T.V. Documentary from the mid 1960s reporting on the action the Stirlingshire police force is taking towards road safety. The second report is a interview with the entertainer Bruce Forsyth backstag...
Dr Honeyman describing his purchase of the Burrell Collection and Dali's "Crucifixion". With shots of the Art Gallery, Glasgow University and the collection in storage. Dr Honeyman and the Civic Amen...
Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal visits Banff and Macduff. Events include the opening of the new harbour, naming of the steam drifter 'Wheat Stalk' and laying the foundation stone of the Banff W...
Coverage of the Peebles March Riding and Beltane Festival which falls in a Jubilee Year, the celebrations include a Piper which leads a procession of children and the Beltane Queen and her retinue th...
HRH the Prince of Wales on a tour of the Highlands and Islands with visits including the Highland stoneware pottery at Lochinver, a woollen mill on Lewis, an electronics factory on Skye and fudge and ...