En sen aften da Bazil sidder og nyder sin smøreost direkte fra folie og citerer replikker fra The Big Sleep, bliver han distraheret af et gadeskyderi og får en vildfaren kugle i hovedet. På operati...
Show teatrene - med deres stort opsatte forestillinger med sang og dans - har længe haft deres bedste tid bag sig. Den tidligere danser, Tess, der ejer The Burlesque Lounge, kæmper derfor for at hol...
A short fiction film based on the macabre story by Danish author Willy Sørensen. Two young brothers are playing doctor. A friend of theirs has hurt his leg. In an attempt to prevent blood poisoning, ...
Commercial for the cleaning company Cemstobel.
Film on the Decroly school in Brussels.
Le Cortège de la mi-Carême à Schaerbeek, le 2 mars 1913. Passant devant un public nombreux, le cortège est filmé à l'angle d'une rue, devant un établissement portant le nom "Louis Sobry-Lepage"...
Construction d'un rempiètement à la Banque nationale de Belgique. Le tracé de la Jonction Nord-Midi longe le bâtiment de la Banque. Une série de schémas montre qu'il a fallu renforcer les fondat...
The poster is without a filmtitle. A fearless race car driver searching a daughter of a banker kidnaped by gangsters. Size: 140x95cm
Informative overview of horse-drawn carriages as a means of transport in Edinburgh from Victorian times to more recent times (milk delivery). Illustrated with dramatised sequences and information on ...
A holiday film of Italy, including views of Genoa, Alassio, Naples and Filignano.
Scenes of the peace pageant in the Borders town of Galashiels.
Life on Marywell Farm during the first years of the Taggart family's occupancy.
Amateur footage of the south side of Glasgow and the city centre during heavy snow.
Amateur film of activities based around Craigie Street Police Office, headquarters of the Southern Division in Glasgow, towards the end of the war.
Amateur footage of the last day of tram services on the streets of Glasgow, and the evening display of Glasgow's historic trams.
Film discussing the process and different stages of pregnancy focusing on the growth of the baby.
Projet de construction de 51 villas sociales au Clos du Pinson à Watermael-Boitsfort. Le film commence par un panneau de la firme Etrimo-social, annonçant la construction de 51 villas bénéficiant...
A railroadworker at his daily work. When he crosses the rails, his foot gets jammed in a switch. He desperately tries to pull out his foot. Suddenly, a train approaches. A mortal agony begins.
Helga Schuchardt, Sabine Gräfin von Nayhauß-Cormons, Christa Nickels, Roswitha Verhülsdonk, Renate Faerber-Husemann, Ursula Männle, Herta Däubler-Gmelin, Ingrid Matthäus-Maier, Renate Hellwig, M...
Dokumentarfilm über die jamaikanische Fußballnationalmannschaft. Das Team nennt sich selbst "The Reggae Boyz", in Anspielung auf die Musikkultur des Landes, aber auch um die tänzerische Lässigkeit...
Dokumentarfilm über ein ungewöhnliches Projekt des Musikers Heinz Ratz, mit dem er auf die schwierige Situation politischer Flüchtlinge in Deutschland aufmerksam machen will: Gemeinsam mit seiner B...
Earth’s history from its creation to the age of dinosaurs.
Yoshi Heimrath, Leif Alexis, Jochen Laube, Kirsten Niehuus, Oliver Zeller, Fabian Maubach (standing, left to right), Welket Bungué, Burhan Qurbani, Benjamina Mirnik-Voges, Albrecht Schuch (sitting, l...
Dokumentarisches Porträt über Hans Peter Geerdes alias H.P. Baxxter und seine Band Scooter, die als Pionier des Techno-Pop gilt, dabei aber auch stark polarisiert. Mit Songs wie "Hyper! Hyper!" oder...