A look at the social and economic changes in Scotland during the 1950s, after the upheaval of the war. From the restoration of Iona Abbey to the development of new industries.
A record of the renovation work on the Bellhaven cafe, Wishaw, Lanarkshire, between 1948 to 1955; shows the work of masons, joiners, glaziers and the Cocozza family on the new Cafe, and the interest o...
Craigbank Gardens, Edinburgh. The film has extensive footage of allotments, vegetable gardens and people tending the crops. Portree Horticultural Show also features towards the end of the film.
In a decayed Scottish fishing village, an outcast boy strikes up a friendship with a fisherman who believes himself to be Zorba.
Various scenes of the village of Colinton from the early 1940s through to the mid 1950s.
Glasgow in the post-war years and the Corporation's futuristic plans for the city's development. [The film was made to tie in with an exhibition of the same title, held at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow....
An amateur film made about amateur film-makers. A new member is introduced to the work of the Aberdeen and District Cine Club.
Family home movies including footage of daily life around Glasgow city centre, the Barras market, the West End and the new Clyde Tunnel.
Broxburn Gala Day and crowning of the Queen, 26th June 1954. Includes footage of the procession, children's fancy dress competition and the Gala Queen crowning ceremony.
Procession of the Gala Queen and "The Champion" through the streets of Kirkliston, West Lothian. 3rd July 1954.
The first annual inter-house school sports day at Broxburn High School, West Lothian. 5th July 1954.
The decorated floats procession and the crowning of Gala Queen at Broxburn, West Lothian on 27th June, 1953.
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35 mm - NB
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