Vicky the VikingThe live action film is based on the famous animation film series of the same title: The little redheaded Viking boy Wickie lives together with his mother Ylva and his father Halvar in...
Vicky the VikingThe live action film is based on the famous animation film series of the same title: The little redheaded Viking boy Wickie lives together with his mother Ylva and his father Halvar in...
Lissi And The Wild EmperorComedic animation film by Michael "Bully" Herbig, who, after Karl May western films and science fiction classics, is now satirizing the 1950s "Sissi" films. Lissi and her hus...
Die Erde im Jahr 2304. Nachdem es den Menschen im Jahr 2054 gelungen war, den Mars zu besiedeln, kehren nun, 250 Jahre später, die Nachkommen der Siedler auf die Erde zurück – allerdings mit feind...
Feature film based on the true events of the biggest forgery scandal in Germany in decades. The successful, award-winning journalist Lars Bogenius attracts countless readers with his brilliantly writt...
Vicky the VikingThe live action film is based on the famous animation film series of the same title: The little redheaded Viking boy Wickie lives together with his mother Ylva and his father Halvar in...
Bullyparade – The MovieBased on the successful TV comedy show, "Bullyparade - Der Film" ("Bullyparade – The Movie") was created on the occassion of the show's 20th anniversary. Following the set-u...
Vicky the VikingThe live action film is based on the famous animation film series of the same title: The little redheaded Viking boy Wickie lives together with his mother Ylva and his father Halvar in...
Rick Kavanian (on the left), Michael Herbig (top) in "Bullyparade - Der Film" (2016/17)
Alexander Fehling, Michael Bully Herbig (from left to right) in "Buddy" (2013)
Michael Bully Herbig (in the middle), Alexander Fehling (on the right) in "Buddy" (2013)
Alexander Fehling, Michael Bully Herbig (from left to right) in "Buddy" (2013)
Torsten Breuer (on the left), Michael Herbig (on the right) on the set of "Buddy" (2013)
Christian Tramitz, Michael Herbig (from left to right) in "Bullyparade - Der Film" (2016/17)
Michael Bully Herbig, Alexander Fehling (from left to right) in "Buddy" (2013)
Rick Kavanian, Michael Herbig (from left to right) in "Bullyparade - Der Film" (2016/17)