Remake of Martin's silent movie La Tragédie de Marchienne (1929). A group of children is listening carefully to an aged shepherd telling the story of Yvonne Vieslet. This Belgian girl, aged 10 at the...
Représentation cinématographique de la jeune héroïne belge Yvonne Vieslet incarnant le martyr de la Belgique pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Le premier plan du film est un bouquet de fleurs...
Ce film, conçu d'abord comme une oeuvre de fiction, a, dans sa forme actuelle, plutôt un caractère documentaire, la partie fiction ayant été fortement réduite, suite à des problèmes avec la ce...
Fiction à la gloire de Gabrielle Petit, espionne fusillée pendant la Première Guerre mondiale Le premier plan du film est constitué par le monument à la gloire de Gabrielle Petit, espionne fusil...
Ciampino: arrivo dell'arcivescovo di New York
1 - l'arcivescovo viene accolto dall'ambasciatore Dunn e dal Nunzio Apostolico
Arrivo dell'arcivescovo al Pontificio Collegio Nord -Americano
I. 'Admiralty Official Film. THE KING ATTENDS "DIVISIONS". In the Navy "Divisions" is the equivalent to the regimental parade in the Army, the ship's crew assemble on the quarter deck to the playing o...
Mr Gompers with two other labour leaders comes up the ladder and onto the quarterdeck of HMS Queen Elizabeth. Admiral Sir David Beatty is there with his staff to shake hands and meet him.The King and ...
Melodramatic war drama by Francis Martin about a family of which the father died during the Great War. In the aftermath of the war his best friend watches over the woman and the child.