In Filiatra, a nearly deserted township in Messenia, the few farmers who remain are constantly struggling to pay off their debts to the Agricultural Bank. A tailor and old runner named Andreas (Vaggel...
A conscientious tanker driver, Thanasis Papathanasis, works hard to help his sister Afroditi study medicine. He believes that in this way he will be able to marry her off so that then he can finally ...
After doing his thesis in Law in Germany, Stelios Lempeniotis returns to Greece but fails to get the teaching job at the University he expected. Therefore, he goes to work at Xenakis’ law office. St...
Three friends who haven’t seen each other in years reunite in Athens. They intend to create for themselves a comfortable life and put behind them the difficult past, either in foreign lands or worki...
A young couple (Antonis Kafetzopoulos and Olia Lazaridou) have a baby affected with the Down Syndrome. In order to avoid the difficulties entailed in bringing a child that will never live a normal lif...
Taking advantage of the fact that he has the same name as a well-known industrialist and with the help of a woman friend of his, Panos (Panos Michalopoulos) goes on a cruise, hoping to win the hearts ...
Disappointed by his first marriage, which ended in divorce, Isaias Stefanakis opens a match-making agency, claiming openly that marriage by match-making is the only way to ensure marital happiness. De...
Stefanos Nomikos, who used to be a very successful model, now works as a gigolo in Athens. He is sought after by older women as well as by wealthy homosexuals. This allows him to pay the tuition fees...