The film narrates the funny incidents in a day in the life of a Greek employee (Petros Zarkadis) during his day-off. The petty vanity of actions and behaviors, the irrationality and the chaotic bureau...
A chemist (Giota Festa) who works in a paint factory discovers that a toxic dye has been used in the production of children’s toys. Only her two sisters stand by her during this difficult ordeal; th...
Two friends (Takis Moschos and Minas Chatzisavvas) live together in the house which was turned over to them by a third friend (Thanasis Mylonas). They follow a peculiar rhythm of life, spending their ...
After his release from prison, Alkis (Stratos Tzortzoglou) searches for a friend (Antonis Katsaris) who owes him money. He ends up on an island where he meets a witch (Katerina Lechou). His relationsh...
An unwed mother and her son are looking for a home in Athens. The city in August proves to be filled with inhospitable and suspicious residents, but the mother is adamant, hoping for the chance at a n...
A successful lawyer, Marios, and his wife, Margarita, live in Athens, leading a quiet and rather conventional life according to established, average, middle-class standards. The husband has a love aff...
A middle-aged philandering actor, Thanasis Pallas, is separated from his wife and sees his fifteen-year-old son Antonis every Saturday. The previous day, he was in Crete for a University lecture and...
A gifted electrician, Michalis Karamanos works for TOE - Greek Telecommunications Organization and it seems that he is the only one who hasn’t been completely absorbed by the corrupt and all-devouri...