Romantic adventure film in which Betty, who dreams about pirates, and her father, a gullible professor, are tricked by a bunch of real pirates. They are rescued by a young man who has a crush on Betty...
Mary is in love with a young farmer, who goes abroad to earn money. During his absence, Mary's family is assailed by disease and poverty. Since she has not heard from her beloved for a long time, she ...
Jörg Pfennigwerth
Kiev Stingl
Szene aus "Ballhaus Barmbek - Let"s Kiss and Say Goodbye"
Szene aus Ballhaus Barmbek - Let"s Kiss and Say Goodbye
Szene mit Zazie de Paris, Ulrich Tukur
Ken Duken
Ken Duken, Hinnerk Schönemann (v.l.n.r.)
Maggie Peren, Ken Duken (v.l.n.r.)
Tamara Samonte
Maggie Peren
Verwechslungslustspiel (englisch, später synchron.)
Sittenkomödie (englisch) nach dem Stück von
Compilation of short News reports concerning: - a shouting contest - a man jumping from a driving car onto a flying plane. - thousands of Hindus travelling to the Ganges River. - Geese flocks on a far...