During his summer vacation on the island of Mytilene, a young and lonely employee, Kostas, becomes infatuated with a femme fatale, Anna, a thirty-five-year-old German woman who is married to a rich lo...
Based on a true story, the film tells the tale of three men (Giannis Katranis, Aris Michopoulos, Makis Giannopoulos) who have murdered the rich mother-in-law of one of them and four members of her fam...
Officer Alexandros Komninos (Christos Politis) and soldier Kosmas Georgiou (Giannis Katranis) undertake a mission to spy on German forces on Bulgarian territory, and Nikitas (Stefanos Stratigos) with ...
A soldier lives through some weird and comical situations in the military unit where he is sent to do his military service.
An open-hearted butcher on Athinas Street, Diamantis Karanampasis, decides to buy the penthouse in a eight-storey apartment building in Kolonaki, provoking protests from some of its stuck-up tenants. ...
Liakos, a sly country bumpkin, works at a garage in Athens, where he rubs shoulders with the cream of high society. He meets a Greek pop music star, Julia Mara, which leads to him being fired. He go...
Lazaros from Gastouni finds a job in Athens as a tourist agent and attracts tourists, disguised as Kitsos. He gets involved in various misunderstandings, match-making and, in the end, he marries his b...
The mother (Marika Nezer) of Paschalis (Tasos Giannopoulos) decides to send him to Athens because he isn’t doing well at school and spends all his time on football. There, a friend of his, a musicia...