I. Commander Taussig USN disembarks from USS Wadsworth. Vice-Admiral Bayly, back to the camera, greets the Commander and his officers (cf IWM 562).II. Harwich. Medium close-up track from port bow to s...
I. Medium close-up of Pershing and Foch at Foch's HQ. Medium shot along a line of Sopwith 1F.1 Camels of No 4 Australian Flying Corps Squadron - aircraft taxi out of the line ready to take off.II. Hig...
I. 'GERMAN SUBMARINE COMES TO LONDON. The German submarine-minelayer U.C.5 captured by the British Navy, moored off Temple Pier'. MS off the port quarter of UC.5 secured alongside the pier - old Londo...
Ein dokufiktionaler Bericht über die Jahre 1914-1918 aus der Sicht des amerikanischen Botschafters in Deutschland James W. Gerard gespielt von Halbert Brown. Des weiteren werden Kaiser Wilhelm II, de...
I. Aerial shots of a flight of Handley Page 0/400s over town and countryside (cf IWM 551/7).II. RNAS accommodation huts face a small green populated by ducks. Medium close-up as a kite balloon is rele...
I. Submarine base, Portsmouth. C Class submarines at moorings: C.17, C.18, C.12. Medium shot profile as D.2 passes; note HMS Victory in the background. C.32 at moorings - two ratings relaxing on deck ...
I. Ship's boats and steam launches come alongside carrying marines. High-angle medium shot onto quayside, as Marine band and detachments of RMLI march away after disembarkation. RMLI detachment passes...
I. 'OUR NAVAL LOSSES: Ships of His Majesty's Navy that have encountered the Germans. H.M.S. Monmouth sunk by German Warships off Chili (sic).' Shots of large warship at sea. 'H.M.S. Good Hope took fir...