Shots of various wild and dangerous sea creatures, filmed in spectacular fashion. The shots include sharks, turtles, sawfish, and divers, as well as a horse carcass being used as bait.
"U 1", das erste deutsche Unterseeboot, erbaut 1905/06; Schiffe der Kaiser-Klasse; Linienschiff "Nassau", Stapellauf 1908 in Kiel; Schiff der Ostfriesland-Klasse; kleiner Kreuzer "Karlsruhe", Stapella...
This film consists of two parts: the first part shows WWI at sea, and the second in the air. The very first scenes are shot from a German submarine attacking American ships. These attacks caused USA t...
The documentary shows the action of the commander Luigi Rizzo who, on December 9, 1917, enters the port of Trieste and buries the battleship Wien. The film was used for the propaganda of the whole Ita...
Tauchmanöver von “U 10” in einer Bucht (gesunken im Juni 1916). Beobachtung des Luftraums an Deck eines österreichischen Kriegsschiffes; Flakgeschütz wird zum Beschuß eingerichtet. Alarm bei e...
(Reel 1) The film starts with U-35 casting off at Cattaro (not Trieste as given) and passing the Austrian fleet at anchor. The crew of the captured SS Parkgate row to U-35 which the English captain bo...
In October 1918, posters hung in the Paris streets implore passersby to subscribe to the fourth national loan to "regain all of France's sweet land." Parisians can see trophies of war such as the subm...
Aboard a sailboat in the Toulon harbor, the Invention Department carries out underwater listening experiments directed by Jean Perrin.