The film follows a traveling troupe of actors around Greece, always performing the same play, “Golfo” by Spyridon Peresiadis. The dynamics among the troupe’s members have a powerful symmetry to ...
Stefania (Zoe Laskari) is at the reformatory and is planning to escape. When doctor Daponte (Spyros Fokas) shows up, she changes her mind because she used to have a crush on him when she was a student...
The forthcoming Greek membership to the European Economic Community has divided a small village: the conservative president, Nomas, is a big fun of the incorporation, while the leftist secretary is de...
Aris, the biggest flirt in Athens, decides to spend his holidays in Nauplion, spreading panic amongst the local gigolos, who brag that they are the true pioneers in the profession. The locals from Na...
A young man, who was raised as an orphan by Gypsies, opens a school for aspiring beggars. In the evenings, he lives a luxurious life, until a couple of crooks try to fool him. Eventually, he falls in ...
Eight wild girls, who cannot stand the cruel conditions of their reform school, escape hidden in a hearse – carrying the body of a fellow prisoner who had died – and then flee to a desert island. ...
An insurance company employee, Iraklis (Sotiris Moustakas), with the help of two of his friends (Stathis Psaltis and Antonis Papadopoulos), takes upon himself to guard the chastity of the daughter (Ka...
Unemployed Michalis (Stathis Psaltis) accidentally ends up in a psychiatric clinic. His doctor (Giannis Vogiatzis) sees that the young man is harmless and completely healthy. Regardless of this fact, ...