Documentary about Volendam in winter This documentary includes atmospheric images of a wintery Volendam, with a frozen harbour and people enjoying themselves while skating and ice-sailing. The film is...
Documentary about the inhabitants of Volendam Shots of Volendam, Urk, Spakenburg, and Marken were very popular in the early years of film. These villages had much to offer filmically, including their ...
Public information film on tuberculosis prevention. TB is hitting the Verhulst family hard: father Karel falls victim to the disease and it is only through a timely medical intervention that his daug...
Report about an exploration by Martin and Osa Johnson to an island in Oceania that is inhabited by cannibals.
Documentary about the manufacture of ball bearings Documentary about the manufacture of ball bearings, with considerable attention devoted to their manufacturing and machinery. The film includes shots...
A romance between a dancer and a young man is disrupted when the young man suddenly becomes blind, and then pretends to no longer love her.
A man with a tin of Van Houten Cocoa is treated to a splash of water.
Reportage about the flooding around the Zuiderzee in 1916 This film about the flooding around the Zuiderzee was probably used at the time to collect money for the victims. In shots taken from a moving...