Synopsis: A student – Tammekänd, blacksmith – Laansoo and a farmhand – Lepik battle for their country in the Estonian War of Independence. An adventurous story with exciting battle scenes, come...
INTERTITLES OF THE FILM IN RUSSIAN 01:00:02:00 – Footage filmed by United States Army for American and Russian citizens 01:00:03:13 – American fleet 01:00:08:20 – Admiral V.Sims, commanding o...
Synopsis: St. Petersburg, cleaning streets of snow. Russian troops resting, troops in trenches. Mass meeting on the streets of St. Petersburg. Corpses by the railway, mass graves, burying corpses to m...
This newsreel is probably put together of different parts of different newsreels since some of it is in Russian and some of it in English. Synopsis: newsreel of the events of the I WW. Australian s...
21.06.1914–24.06.1914 (ukj.04.07.1914-07.07.1914) toimunud Tartu linna tuletõrje juubelipidustused. Pidulik rivistus, paraadmarss lippudega, demonstratsioonesinemised – mehed turnimas lahtitõmma...
Original title and title cards in Estonian and Russian. In the film one can see town life at its peak in czarist-time. The film, with a positivist take, seems to be shot in the early spring of 1912. ...
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga ülem leitnant Andrei Kalašnikov.
Riia linna Kroonvaldi park kanaliga talvel.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga tundmatu lipniku aukraadiga ohvitser.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga tundmatu alamleitnandi aukraadiga ohvitser.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga ohvitser alamleitnant Savitski.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga ülem leitnant Andrei Kalašnikov.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga tundmatu [lipniku] aukraadiga ohvitser.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga tundmatu alamleitnandi aukraadiga ohvitser.