The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Two inmates are on their break in the jail courtyard when one of them, Boss, is called to the director′s office. Boss′ wife has a...
Melodrama about presumed adultery, jealousy and honour.
This film served to introduce the music-hall act of Louisette and Chrétienni and was an integral part of their number.
Beitrag: 1 / Reichsbundjugend beim Bundeskanzler (00:00:21) Beitrag: 2 / Das Wrack des Dampfers "Mohawk" wird gesprengt (00:01:31) Beitrag: 3 / Wahl der Welt-Schönheitskönigin (00:02:43) ...
Beitrag: 1 / Die neue Fabrik unserer Tabakregie (00:00:21) Beitrag: 2 / Die Postrakete ist noch kein sicheres Beförderungsmittel (00:02:01) Beitrag: 3 / Aufbruch zur Jagd im Jahre 1750 (00:02...
Beitrag: 1 / Unsere Soldaten lernen Fallschirmabspringen (00:00:21) Beitrag: 2 / Jubel über die Geburt eines Thronerben (00:01:36) Beitrag: 3 / Der deutsche Reichsaußenminister in Wien (00:0...
Beitrag: 1 / Eine Prozession in Budapest (00:00:00) Beitrag: 2 / Ausbau der erweiterten Arlbergstraße (00:01:10) Beitrag: 3 / Amerikanische Millionärslaunen - Vorbereitung für die Hundeauss...
The arrival of Paul Kruger in Amsterdam, during his journey through Europe at the end of the Second Boer War. After his arrival in Holland in December 1900, Kruger initially stayed in The Hague. On t...
Lya de Putti in "Varieté" (1925)
Aquarell. 16,6 x 12,5 cm.
Paul Rehkopf, Kurt Gerron (in the middle, from left to right) in "Varieté" (1925)
Aquarell. 19,5 x 12 cm.
On the set: Günter Anders, Karl Freund and Robert Baberske around the Mitchell-Camera; in the front: Emil Jannings and Warwick Ward on the left, E. A. Dupont and interpreter Joe Rive on the right
Warwick Ward, Lya de Putti in "Varieté" (1925)
Warwick Ward, Lya de Putti in "Varieté" (1925)
Szene mit Hans Albers (2.v.l.), Attila Hörbiger (3.v.l.), Karl Etlinger (rechts)
There was no kind of restriction noted.
Kinematograph, 928
The film was permitted to young people under 16 years.
There was no kind of restriction noted.
There was no kind of restriction noted.