A young woman (Liza Lorentzou) lives with her father (Lykourgos Kallergis) in a lighthouse on an island in the Aegean. The arrival of a fisherman (Kostas Gkousgkounis) changes her life when they becom...
Two girls (Viky Konstantinidou and Sandy Daskalaki) run away from their reformatory and are pursued by the police. They find refuge in the house of a student (Fotis Armenis). The girls have an argum...
The heroine of the film is Lena, an innocent seventeen-year-old girl who has just left school and dreams of becoming an actress, in spite of her mother, who wants to see her married to Takis, a poor y...
A thirty-five-year-old reservist is called up for post training in new weapons. He has been engaged for nine years to a girl from Crete, and her brother is threatening to kill him if he doesn’t set ...
Miss Fanouria –Ritsa– Kalafati (Sapfo Notara) is a smart door-woman to whom everyone turns for advice on matters of the heart. She also “reads” coffee cups. But at the same time, she never mis...
A film about the erotic quests of young couples.
This is a dramatized documentary on the sponge-divers of Kalymnos and their dangerous job.
A woman leaves her husband after he cheats on her. As she is planning to get a divorce, she decides to trap him and get pictures of him that would prove his infidelity. At the same time, she meets and...