A young man who has left school joins a group of hooligans who are fans of Olympiakos soccer team, and soon his entire life revolves round that group. In a violent clash with the fans of AEK, the youn...
In Filiatra, a nearly deserted township in Messenia, the few farmers who remain are constantly struggling to pay off their debts to the Agricultural Bank. A tailor and old runner named Andreas (Vaggel...
An Italian of Greek origin, ex-sergeant Nicola Mantsolini, talks about the Occupation on a TV show. He was then the provost marshal in the village of Pano Rachi, and the love for his mother’s countr...
A woman (Marialena Karbouri) enters a monastery in Meteora in order to escape her lover’s abuse. Instead of finding protection, however, she encounters a tough and stressful situation, where secrets...
A television reporter’s research into a pop idol, the singer Ntemis Flerianos, leads to the recording and exposure of several political and social scandals and other matters dating from the beginnin...
After a concert for his fellow townsmen, the leader of a rock band (Sotiris Tzevelekos) goes to Athens. There he meets Eva (Vina Asiki) and gets a job in her father’s hotel (Giannis Gkionakis). In o...
At midnight, on a deserted Athenian street, a beautiful woman named Eleni Chalkia is fatally stabbed by a stranger, who immediately disappears into the shadows. The murderer is Ioannis Zachos (Manos L...
This is a parody of the film Conan the Barbarian. In this film, a primitive man, Lordan, saves Barbara (the younger daughter of the Big Chief) from a black panther and leads her to his cave. The young...