A tenant (Ntinos Iliopoulos) residing on 288 Stournara Street narrates the ordinary stories of the people who live in the building. We learn about their life in the big city, their problems, amusing i...
Three brothers, two twin boys and a girl, have instituted a game in the basement of their neoclassic house. They drink the “dead liquer”, which works as an aphrodisiac and affects their feelings. ...
The respectable Nikos Paganis is a trustee at the Holy Church of Saint Apostles. He feels that his hunchback brother, Markos, is a loafer because he doesn’t work and spends most of his time philosop...
Mr. Panagiotis, who is the receptionist at a large hotel on Rhodes, tells the stories of guests staying in three neighboring rooms. Sofia Katrana and her daughter Vera, who have lost their property an...