Paul is a romantic young man who confronts his father, a doctor and teacher, and decides to discontinue his studies and devote himself to music. At the same time, his girlfriend leaves him, and he tak...
Thomas, a sixty-year-old watchmaker from the last century – of the Raskolnikov type – tries to forget a crime from the past. He lives and works in Athens. Sonia, a young Russian woman, quite culti...
Three petit bourgeois couples are camping out on a lonely beach. Things among them are complicated and tense. Soon, a beautiful young tourist comes along, camps close by and swims naked, unsettling th...
A documentary about Markos Vamvakaris, based on the recorded interview he gave to Aggeliki Kalamara as well as stories told by relatives and people from his personal life and professional environment.
A group of young guys are looking for the women of their dreams, each following their particular fantasy. Giorgos and Andreas spend their little money pretending to be rich, while Thymios and Iraklis,...
A tough guy abducts Golfo (Ntina Trianti) to make her his wife, but she loves Kitsos (Giorgos Kampanellis), who sets her free. Golfo refuses to accept money to leave Kitsos. Eventually, the two young ...
A young Casanova falls in love with an Italian student who is visiting Greece. When the Italian girl discovers that her lover is not a painter but the spoiled son of a rich entrepreneur, she rejects h...
Lissome Pagona loves Giannos, her father’s shepherd, but her father wants her to marry Dimos, son of the chief shepherd of the adjacent village. However, Krystallo, Pagona’s friend, who likes Dimo...