A cynical young man, Giorgos, who believes that in this life you need to steer clear of principles and attachments, clashes with his father, captain Manolis and abandons the management of the family...
This is an adaptation of the film “Oute gata out zimia (No harm done)”, that was written by Sakellarios and Giannakopoulos. The story is about a very clever advertiser (Giorgos Pantzas) who organi...
An unemployed young man (Stathis Psaltis) gets into a number of adventures in his quest to find the man who crashed into his motorbike.
When he wins the national lottery, Lampros (Lampros Konstantaras) is so frantically ecstatic that he ends up in an insane asylum. During his absence, his family announces that he’s away in the Congo...
Periklis Lianos is an optimistic simpleton who takes the train from Xerochori to Athens with a suitcase containing six hundred thousand drachmas. With this money he intends to buy a house with a garde...
Danny Arnold is a writer looking for material and inspiration for his new book. For this reason, he kidnaps six-year-old Yvonne. As soon as he obtains the ransom money from her parents, Katy and Eddy,...
Stavros (Stavros Paravas) finishes his military service, rents a small room at the house of Mrs. Olympia (Marika Nezer) and, with the help of a friend of his (Giorgos Papazisis), finds a job. Stavros,...
In their attempt to find the men of their dreams, a would-be singer and her widowed mother (Rena Vlachopoulou), an old diva, get people around them mixed up in a number of misunderstandings. In the en...