A silent Greek film starring Kimon Spathopoulos, who plays the role of Charlot (The Tramp) in its Greek version, and Apollon Marsyas, well-known from the first film by Orestis Laskos, Daphnis and Chlo...
One day, on the island of Lesbos, a shepherd by the name of Lamonas finds an abandoned little boy sucking milk from the teats of a goat. The shepherd calls the boy Dafnis and takes him as his own chil...
One day, on the island of Lesbos, a shepherd by the name of Lamonas finds an abandoned little boy sucking milk from the teats of a goat. The shepherd calls the boy Dafnis and takes him as his own chil...
An anthology of film excerpts and newsreels from the 1920s, compiled by Alekos Sakellarios. Excerpts from short films by Michail or films such as ‘The Wizard of Athens’, ‘Daphnis and Chloe’, a...